奥大Summer School课程列表+学期时间出炉!


  • 上海 立思辰留学
  • 2021-12-24 10:00


  • 上海 立思辰留学
  • 2021-12-15 10:00


  • 上海 立思辰留学
  • 2021-12-10 10:00


  • 上海 立思辰留学
  • 2021-11-22 10:00

  最近好多同学都在问关于奥克兰大学23年Summer School的问题,今天就来给大家分享一下目前已知的信息~

  2023年Summer School的关键日期


  Summer School开学:2023年1月5日






  Summer School结束:2023年2月15日

  2023年Summer School开设的课程


  ACCTG 102 Accounting Concepts

  ECON 151 Understanding the Global Economy

  ECON 152 Principles of Economics

  FINANCE 251 Financial Management

  INFOSYS 110 Digital Systems

  INTBUS 151 Business across Borders

  INTBUS 308 Special Topic

  MGMT 223 Understanding Work and People

  MGMT 302 Strategic Management

  MKTG 202 Marketing Research

  TFCBUS 92F Foundation Business


  CHEM 100 Molecules that Changed the World

  CHEM 150 Concepts in Chemistry

  COMPSCI 101 Principles of Programming

  COMPSCI 110 Introduction to Computer Systems

  COMPSCI 120 Mathematics for Computer Science

  COMPSCI 130 Introduction to Software Fundamentals

  COMPSCI 380 Project in Computer Science

  EXERSCI 105 Exercise Prescription

  EXERSCI 309 Practicum in the Exercise Sciences

  MARINE 305 Special Topic: Practical Skills in Marine Science

  MATHS 102 Functioning in Mathematics

  MATHS 108 General Mathematics 1

  MATHS 208 General Mathematics 2

  PHYSICS 102 Basic Concepts of Physics

  STATS 101 Introduction to Statistics

  STATS 108 Statistics for Commerce

  STATS 201 Data Analysis

  STATS 208 Data Analysis for Commerce

  STATS 210 Statistical Theory

  STATS 330 Statistical Modelling


  ACADENG 100 Forms in Academic English

  ACADENG 101 Academic English Writing

  ACADENG 210 Writing Research Reports

  ANTHRO 306 Pacific Archaeology

  ARTSGEN 104  Te Pārekereke

  ASIAN 209 Transnational Asia: Korea and its Neighbours

  ASIAN 309 Transnational Asia: Korea and its Neighbours

  Chinese 178 Chinese Study Abroad 1

  Chinese 277 Chinese Study Abroad 2A

  Chinese 278 Chinese Study Abroad 2B

  Chinese 377 Chinese Study Abroad 3A

  Chinese 378 Chinese Study Abroad 3B

  ENGLISH 121 Reading/Writing/Text

  ENGWRIT 101 English Writing for Academic Purposes

  EUROPEAN 206 European Integration

  EUROPEAN 277 European Study Abroad 2A

  EUROPEAN 278 European Study Abroad 2B

  EUROPEAN 302 European Integration

  FRENCH 277 French Study Abroad 2A

  FRENCH 278 French Study Abroad 2B

  FRENCH 322 Linguistic Study Abroad

  FRENCH 377 French Study Abroad 3A

  FRENCH 378 French Study Abroad 3B

  GERMAN 178 German Study Abroad I

  GERMAN 277 German Study Abroad 2A

  GERMAN 278 German Study Abroad 2B

  GERMAN 377 German Study Abroad 3A

  GERMAN 378 German Study Abroad 3B

  HISTORY 233 Australian History Since 1788

  HISTORY 333 Australian History Since 1788

  ITALIAN 177 Study Abroad 1

  ITALIAN 277 Italian Study Abroad 2A

  ITALIAN 278 Italian Study Abroad 2B

  ITALIAN 377 Italian Study Abroad 3A

  ITALIAN 378 Italian Study Abroad 3B

  ITALIAN 379 Study Abroad Internship

  JAPANESE 178 Japanese Study Abroad 1

  JAPANESE 277 Japanese Study Abroad 2A

  JAPANESE 278 Japanese Study Abroad 2B

  JAPANESE 377 Japanese Study Abroad 3A

  JAPANESE 378 Japanese Study Abroad 3B

  KOREAN 110 Korean for Beginners 1

  KOREAN 277 Korean Study Abroad 2A

  KOREAN 278 Korean Study Abroad 2B

  KOREAN 377 Korean Study Abroad 3A

  KOREAN 378 Korean Study Abroad 3B

  LATINAM 202 Study Abroad (Latin America)

  MāORI 103 Introduction to Spoken Māori

  MāORI 130 Te Ao Māori: The Māori World

  PHIL 105 Critical Thinking

  POLITICS 218 American Politics and Public Policy

  POLITICS 347 Special Topic American Politics and Public Policy

  RUSSIAN 277 Russian Study Abroad 2A

  RUSSIAN 278 Russian Study Abroad 2B

  RUSSIAN 377 Russian Study Abroad 3A

  RUSSIAN 378 Russian Study Abroad 3B

  SPANISH 104 Beginners‘ Spanish 1

  SPANISH 277 Spanish Study Abroad 2A

  SPANISH 278 Spanish Study Abroad 2B

  SPANISH 377 Spanish Study Abroad 3A

  SPANISH 378 Spanish Study Abroad 3B

  TFCACENG 93F Foundation Academic English

  TFCACENG 94F Foundation English Writing


  CHEM 100G Molecules that Changed the World

  DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes(有网课)

  ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy

  ENGLISH 121G Reading/Writing/Text

  EXERSCI 100G Exercise and Fitness: Myths and Reality

  FINEARTS 210G Understanding Contemporary Visual Arts Practice

  INTBUS 151G Business across Borders

  KOREAN 110G Korean for Beginners 1

  MAORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori

  MAORI 130G Te Ao Māori: The Māori World

  MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music

  MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand

  PHIL 105G Critical Thinking

  SPANISH 104G Beginners’Spanish 1

  STATS 101G Introduction to Statistics


  CHEMMAT 121 Materials Science

  CIVIL 312 Structures and Design 2

  CIVIL 313 Structures and Design 3

  CIVIL 324 Geomechanics 3

  CIVIL 332 Fluid Mechanics 2

  ELECTENG 101 Electrical and Digital Systems

  ENGGEN 121 Engineering Mechanics

  ENGGEN 131 Introduction to Engineering Computation and Software Development

  ENGGEN 140 Energy and Society

  ENGSCI 111 Mathematical Modelling 1

  ENGSCI 211 Mathematical Modelling 2

  ENVENG 342 Environmental Engineering Design



  DANCE 101 Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes (有网课)

  MUS 103 Music Fundamentals(仅支持网课)

  MUS 144 Turning Points in Western Music

  MUS 149 Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand

  EDUC 113 Current Issues in Education

  EDUC 283 Pedagogy – Beyond Skills and Methods

  EDUC 304 Educational Philosophy and Policy


  LAW 456 Supervised Research(有网课)

  LAW 498 Advanced Legal Research, Writing and Communication(有网课)

  LAWCOMM 412 Restitution

  LAWGENRL 405 Community Law Internship(有网课)

  LAWGENRL 438 Housing Law and Policy

  LAWGENRL 442 Animals and the Law

  LAWGENRL 447 Community Law Project(有网课)

  LAWPUBL 434 International Criminal Law

  LAWPUBL 445 European Union Law

  LAWPUBL 467 Anti-Corruption and Democracy



  ANTHRO 748 Human Osteology

  CHINESE 777 Chinese Study Abroad I

  CHINESE 778 Chinese Study Abroad II

  FRENCH 777 Study Abroad

  FRENCH 778 Study Abroad

  GERMAN 777 Study Abroad

  ITALIAN 777 Study Abroad

  ITALIAN 778 Study Abroad

  ITALIAN 779 Study Abroad Internship

  POLICY 742 Statistics and Data Analysis for Policy

  POLICY 744 Policy in Practice

  Education and Social Work

  EDPROF 707 Bilingual Education

  EDUC 767 Childhood Studies


  ENERGY 785A Research Project

  ENERGY 785B Research Project

  ENERGY 786A Research Project

  ENERGY 786B Research Project

  ENGSCI 789 Project Z


  LAW 760 Directed Study

  LAW 790 Dissertation

  LAWHONS 789 Dissertation


  COMPSCI 780 Postgraduate Project in Computer Science 1

  EARTHSCI 770 Engineering Geological Mapping

  FOODSCI 705 Project in Food Science

  FOODSCI 710 Industrial Internship

  GEOG 759 Research Topics in Geography

  MATHS 712 Teaching and Learning in Algebra

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