1.The weather (If you are a skier or outdoors person)
2.Spectacular scenery
3.Laid-back people
4.Outstanding professors
5.Progressive student body
6.Safe and thriving city locale
7.Access to Montreal
8.An assortED slew of music, art, and food
9.Easy access to the great outdoors
10.Great skiing nearby
1.The weather (cold winters and unprEDictability)
2.Parking (or lack thereof)
3.Strict policies
4.6 a.m. registration
5.Few on-campus housing alternatives to dorm rooms
6.Lack of school spirit
7.Students can be cliquey (leftover high school mentality)
8.Lacking diversity
9.All those fun things to do might distract from schoolwork
10.All that schoolwork might distract from the fun things to do