Rich Beem, PGA Tour member and 2002 PGA Champion
Baxter Black, Radio Commentator, Philosopher, Poet
Garrey Carruthers, Former Governor of New Mexico and Current President of NMSU
Alan Hale, Astronomer, discoverer of the Hale-Bopp Comet
Danny Villanueva, NFL placekicker and punter, and Spanish TelevisionPioneer
Kenton Keith, Indianapolis Colts
Kevin Johnson, CEO of Juniper Networks
Christine Aguilera,President of SkyMall
Billy Keys, New York Knicks
Jaron Lanier, VR scholar
Donald Malloy, “We are Marshall”, Detroit Lions
Steve Pearce, U.S. Congressman (R-NM) and 2008 Senate Candidate
Sideeq Shabazz, Oakland Raiders, Atlanta Falcons
Tony Wragge, Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers
Lloyd Williams, Transportation Executive
Brittany Toll, Miss New Mexico 2011
Randy Brown, 美国职篮NBA球员(1991-2003)、三度NBA总冠军、新墨州立大学篮球校队后卫(1989-1991)
Clyde WilliamTombaugh, Astronomer, discoverer of Pluto
Mark Medoff, Playwright, Screenwriter and Director
Ken Hammond, Former SDS activist
Garrey Carruthers, Former Governor of New Mexico and Current President of NMSU
Edward O. Thorp, Mathematician best known for writing the bookBeat the Dealer,and co-inventing the first wearable computer; Associate Professor of Mathematics 1961–65
David Boje, Endowed Bank of America Professor of Management