1945 诺贝尔生理医学奖
Lord Florey (Joseph Hunter Chair of Pathology 1932-35) 对青霉素(盘尼西林)进行分离与纯化,并发现其对传染病的疗效。
1953 诺贝尔生理医学奖
Sir Hans Krebs (Lecturer in Pharmacology 1935-45,Professor of Biochemistry 1945-54) 提出克雷布斯氏循环理论,which explains how life-giving energy is set free in cells by oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and water.
Lord Porter (Professor of Physical Chemistry 1955-66)发明闪光光解的脉冲技术,a technique which enabled chemists for the first time to measure the speed and mechanism of certain reactions that occurred too quickly for detection by conventional methods.
1993 诺贝尔生理医学奖
Richard Roberts (BSc Chemistry 1965,PhD 1968) 发现不连续基因,thereby disproving the long-held theory that genes in plants and animals were made up of continuous segments of DNA. This has important biological,medical and evolutionary consequences.
1996 诺贝尔化学奖
Sir Harold Kroto (BSc Chemistry 1961,PhD 1964)发现一种新形式的碳分子—碳六十(buckminsterfullerene),which stands alongside the two other well-defined forms,diamond and graphite.
2015 诺贝尔化学奖
Professional Thomas Lindahl 同他的同事Pro. Paul Modrich&Pro. Aziz Sancer 一起因为测试出了DNA的自我修复机制而获得2015年诺贝尔化学奖,成为本校培养出来的第六位诺奖得主。该项研究发现对于治愈癌症以及其他的很多细胞方面的研究提供了关于细胞功能的非常重要的基础知识。
1917 谢菲尔德大学冶金系学生 Harry Brearley 发明不锈钢1920 Edward Mellanby 教授发现维他命D,并利用其治愈软骨症(佝偻病)
1930 Cecil Paine 博士首次将青霉素(盘尼西林)应用于临床治疗并予以文献记载
1931 Amy Johnson 独自飞越澳州
1938 Donald Bailey 发明倍力桥(Bailey bridge)
1967 谢菲尔德大学学生 Helen Sharman 成为第一个英国籍太空人